I started out as a circuit board repair tech for B-TEK. From there, I moved to a field service technician at Brechbuhler Scales Canton Shop and then the service manager. Four years ago, I transitioned to Training and Quality with Brechbuhler Corporate.
It is a family-owned company where the owners and senior leadership are actively involved in the day-to-day operations. They know my name, and I am not just another body on a spreadsheet.
I have watched the company double or triple in size since I started my career here. During tough economic times when others were losing their jobs, this company kept me working. That means a lot when you are raising and supporting a family.
The scale trade is a tough and unique trade. There is a lot to learn, and the technology is always changing. However, there is a deep sense of pride in mastering this unique trade and the changes that come with it. As time goes by, you develop friendships with our customers, and it is enjoyable to stop by for a visit, shoot the breeze for a bit, and then help them get their scale problems corrected.
I have been able to see the inside workings of industries that I would have never had a chance to see with another job. I have learned skills I never would have learned elsewhere. Finally, I have had the opportunity to work with and learned from some very sharp people.